January 5, 2019


you would have been dead a year when
i learned of it, and i did not feel sad and
i did not feel happy.  i feared the
energy that had splashed from your many heads
into the universe,
the ferocious ink and dribble of your soul, vicious
sprung free

you still, my chocolate nightmare
you lurk hydra in my me, you
slither down my back, sneak attack,
a liquid cocoa poison,
oozing wounds 
until i wake

it’s still the same.
and no one there was listening.

so i salt my apple pies and
i iron the pillowcases and i
dream that i can run

from believing.  dream that
relative is a place,
beyond seduction
                    thrust and recoil
and love is a place,
beyond seduction 
                    thrust and recoil 

but all those years i
looked like hell and was
an embarrassment, from you 
i earned one dull black stone

you still, my chocolate nightmare
you live hydra in my me, you
swimming down my back, sneak attack,
a liquid cocoa poison,
ooze from my wounds 
until i wake

your long cinnamon breath, your slippers and 
sad eyes, your kindness to everyone around me
and cake my sleep, fear i keep

you still, my chocolate nightmare
you lie hydra in my me, you
trickle down my back, sneak attack,
a liquid cocoa poison,
oozing wounds 
until i wake

and you are still my nightmare

1 comment:

  1. This is a hideous mind picture...a nightmare of the worst degree.
