o distracted and chilly
remote paramour
i wish for you still
it's you i adore
remote paramour
i wish for you still
it's you i adore
i'm sure we are nearing the iceberg and nearing and nearing. what is this submerged absence? there is something present under the surface and i keep asking the captain and get don't worry. asking again i get busy-ness. finally guiltily worrying despite advice otherwise and taking his valuable time despite warnings of workload pressures, i ask again and receive a have faith and an i gotta go there are customers here. i have no faith but i have a pillow next to me with two cool sides and i'm sure of that. but am i imagining this? he probably means it all. which is almost like telling the truth. right?
you're half-hearted and tepid
"amor" distant or dead.
affection saved up for
rare moments in bed
"amor" distant or dead.
affection saved up for
rare moments in bed
this reminds me: prostitution should be legal. is it legal in mexico? what is the difference between this and that, except i have health insurance? well, and no one is paying me. in fact he owes me 11 bucks. of course if it were legal i'd be taxed, which at least i am not, now. well, not taxed financially. the whole thing is wearing and tearing, but i can live either way and i don't have a pimp pushing me around. well, how is pimp really and truly defined? again trying to discern the difference between this and that. there better be a difference to discern. not that there is anything wrong with prostitutes. anyway, thinking of this is better than imagining other stuff, i guess.
annoyed and lackluster
drooping and dull.
you're torpid. and dormant.
i'm lonely. and cold.
drooping and dull.
you're torpid. and dormant.
i'm lonely. and cold.
am i crazy? i know there is danger here but it isn't the crash. the danger is in being forced to see volumes in the silence. the freaking signals which are so easy to misread when people come from different perspectives or cultures--i mean, it's a bit like smiling at a monkey. you could get your face ripped off just by trying to be friendly. signals are powerful and words fickle i find--especially when the language of love being universal thing is fake and people really do speak in some sort of language with words and when the languages and words are different, it gets hairy. but since there are signals i only think i understand, and i don't like what i think i'm understanding, and the words of confirmation have been withheld, my plan is to wait. for the words. to hopefully not come. if i choose this i am not really a doormat, am i? because i'm choosing. right? am i crazy?