April 1, 2011

hello people

hello people from new zealand,  china, malta, vietnam, france, germany, ukraine, the united kingdom, brazil, canada, denmark, argentina, ireland, romania, singapore, latvia, mexico, finland, india, australia, iran, russia, pakistan, slovenia, the netherlands, taiwan, and the united states,

i'm glad to see you here and wish i could offer you a coffee or martini, depending whether you are reading this before or after 4pm my time.  but, i'm glad we are here together, even if we are not drinking the same pretty thing.

i don't know any more about the people who read stardust and rust other than their countries of origin, so i wonder:  who are you?  what do you have to say?  do you care to comment on the poems you find here?  do you come back and back here?  and more.  i wonder all sorts of things but toss my questions against nothingness, and they never come back answered.  but, i try, try again. 

tell me something.  i invite you to.

but even if you don't, i'm glad to see that visitors from the places you are do come trip around here for awhile, maybe also trying to name things, and by that naming, to figure things out.  after all, we can be unknown to each other and still side by side--isn't that something special about the human condition?

yours from the weedpatch,