September 3, 2016

whisper me under your breath

Next I was called mistress.

And I envision maude, playpens, and rude joy.

Rumours of lawbreaking lovemaking, ecstatic and

how boring

sitting across from a direct woman,
who was displaying appropriate shock
and sympathy,  the conversation was vibrant,
helpful.  flowing.  she asked piercing questions
and being open and appreciative,
i was free, and she’d seen it all,
so honestly i replied, to her suggestion,
“must i be a wife?”
and she threw her head back, and
our hour was suddenly up.

we were gods

now old and now forever know
this time was our creation
violent, want.  and

painting with tongues, seeing with skin,
defying definition.  now
reimagine reimagine,  this our repetition,
misted sharp.  and

pray come belly touch, come heat, come sate.
this plea too our creation
unkind need.